
We use experience and expertise to deliver solutions and strategy.

We work in closely with our clients to deliver simple solutions and robust strategies.



In 1995 Cordapse started as a small consultancy,  providing support services for early adopters of IT systems. The early years gave us great exposure to a myriad of systems and services. More importantly it set in stone our focus on client outcomes

Since those early days Cordapse has worked with companies including EDS, HP, CSC, DWP, Microsoft, Oracle, Ford, ABN Amro, Deutsch Bank, Cassidian, Amazon, Takeda and AstraZeneca on projects from systems design to strategic planning.

As the technology landscape changed we soon realised that the traditional consultancy model hadn’t changed in a way that benefits its clients. In fact quite the opposite! 

With this in mind we set out to provide ‘pure consultancy’ i.e. provide expertise and experience to those clients who need to get the benefits of new technology with the minimum fuss.

As technology changes so do we. But we keep our core focus on client outcomes and results.

Firstly, we are immensely proud of our client focus and the benefits that brings to our customers. So we are going to continue to do exactly that. Remain focused on outcomes for our customers. 

Secondly, we don’t have any plans on disrupting or challenging the IT industry. That really is not what we are about.

Thirdly, we will continue to gain up to the minute knowledge of the IT landscape and most importantly use that knowledge to help clients in their decisions, plans and implementations.

We don’t do mission statements or holistic visions for the future. We love what we do and how it benefits our customers…simple.

We use experience and expertise to deliver solutions and strategy

We focus on solutions for business problems with proven technology platforms. For instance,  Microsoft 365 and AWS.

Firstly, we work with you to clarify your problem. Secondly, we propose solutions based on budget and priorities. Thirdly, and most importantly, we deliver the right solution for your business, people and budget.

We provide solutions for a range of business problems. These fall into the following categories

  • Compliance
  • Communication
  • Business Process Automation
  • Information Management
  • Service Introduction
  • Systems Selection
  • Systems Optimisation
  • Strategy

Regardless of technology, we work with you to determine the best course of action. This is imperative to ensure you get the most appropriate solution for your business problem.

Above all, we work with you to provide solutions that are cost-effective, fit for purpose and have a minimum impact on the business.

Similarly, if we don’t think we can provide a solution that ticks all the boxes then we will tell you upfront.

Our approach to solutions is not determined by the technology we want to use. In addition, we are not tied to any particular platform. Consequently, we are impartial in suggesting the best course of action for a solution.

We provide you with  expertise and experience in the following:

  • Cloud Services
  • Business Intelligence
  • Messaging
  • Database Systems
  • Portals
  • CRM

If you have a business problem you want to solve then get in touch…we may be able to help

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