Support and expertise when you need it

We do not provide lesser skilled support staff to help you. All our support is provided by our team of expert consultants.

Additionally we see little value to you in simply logging calls and then telling you we’ll get back to you within an SLA that is no good for you.That’s not how we operate.

Our focus is on supporting you and your business in order to deliver the right service for you.

We provide you with expertise on tap for help, advice and guidance.

Cordapse support


  1. Work with you to identify the type of support you need now and in the future.
  2. Carry out an assessment of the systems, people and processes that you need supporting.
  3. Implement the support services, contact details, logging system and any SLA’s.
  4. Meet with you on a monthly basis to review that your needs are being serviced.

What we support

We provide you with expertise in the following platforms and technologies

  • PowerBi
  • Power Automate
  • AWS
  • EndPoint

Flexible payment options

We know every business is different so we don’t try and fit your support needs into what we offer!

We work with you to find out what level of help you need. Once that level is established then that is all you pay for.

You simply buy the number of hours you anticipate you will need and then use those hours on a burn-down basis. If you need to top up your hours then you top up at the same rate you are already paying……simple.

If you would like to chat about more focused and flexible support please get in touch

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