Everybody’s intranet is different. However, there are functions that are common in successful intranets and we will highlight these with a simple intranet anatomy example. 

Firstly, the most popular elements of an intranet provide value to the end-users. Secondly, and more importantly, getting the right information will promote efficiency and productivity. 

Moreover, it is important to aggregate information onto an intranet landing page from various sources. Therefore, an information architecture should be implemented to support this.  

So let’s take a look at the anatomy of a common intranet and explain the various functions you might consider when implementing an intranet for your organisation.

Intranet Landing Page

Ideally, the intranet should be simple, uncluttered and easy to read. The value of an intranet is determined by the end-users, after all, they are your primary stakeholders.

intranet landing page

News Banner

News headlines communicate important news to everybody in your organisation. Therefore, the intranet should show them in a concise, easy to read manner. Similarly, images will help to convey the type of information and its importance.

news banner

Launch Pad

The launch pad or quick links provides links to applications and systems that users commonly access on a daily basis. These may be web sites, external systems or legacy applications.

intranet launch pad

Personlised News

Within larger organisations your intranet will serve different groups. Providing the audience with relevant and personalised topics allows them to keep up to date. Targeted news promotes adoption and collaboration.

personal news

Departmental News

Aggregating departmental news onto the landing page will update users on activity across the business. For instance, using short names associates information with departments. Most importantly, it provides information in a clear and concise way.

intranet department news


Showing upcoming events is an important aspect of any intranet. Rather than showing an empty calendar, consider displaying events in the same way as you do news items

intranet events


Firstly, discussions are a great means of collaboration and feedback. Secondly, consider aggregating a summary of your discussion forums from across your organisation. Moreover, display the summary into a single display that is clear and succinct.

intranet discussions

Latest Documents

Many organisations are document-centric in the way they operate. So it makes sense to display the latest published documents.

Subsequently, users subscribe to documents that affect their own operations. And, as a result,  users are more engaged in the intranet. 

Similarly, surfacing vital information allows users to quickly discover those documents are important to them.


Hopefully, this provides insight into the functions that work well on intranet landing pages.

If you would like to learn a little more on how to implement a successful intranet, please feel free to reach out to us

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