Transformation can take many forms and the current buzz-phrase is ‘Digital Transformation’ which covers almost anything!

Here at Cordapse we take a much more pragmatic view of Digital Transformation rather than following the latest trends.

We put Digital Transformation in the context of your organisation to see if transformation will benefit you and your business.

We see little value in trying to deliver any type of transformation where it does not add business value.

digital transformation

How We Add Value

Although Digital Transformation appears to be a relatively new phrase, we have actually been delivering digital transition for clients for over 15 years.

We are experts in getting the business benefits of digital transformation for our clients. However, we are honest in our appraisal and will only transition clients where there is a real value add for the client.

We have been working with cloud technologies, specifically Microsoft 365 and SharePoint (which underpin the digital transformation technologies) since their inception. As a result, we can advise you on the pros and cons of the platforms.

Firstly, we assess your business issues. Secondly, we identify what technologies will solve your issues, Finally, and most importantly, how they will be implemented and how much they will cost.

Our Digital Transformation Services

Cordapse offers a range of services to help you in your Transformation journey. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach because all organisations are different. With that in mind we have a sensible approach which has helped numerous clients.

Digital Transformation Approach

Our approach is about working with you, understanding your organisation and your business processes in order to deliver value.

  1. Engage with you initially to find out what you want to do and when you want to do it.
  2. Look at any business issues you may have and prioritise them with you.
  3. Assess the technologies that are available that would fix those issues and make recommendations.
  4. Work with you to formulate a plan of action to implement solutions to your business problems.
  5. During the implementation we work along side you and your incumbent team to ensure transparency and progress.
  6. Assist you during the roll out of the solution with training, advice and guidance.
  7. Provide post implementation support to you and your users.


  • Strategy and Planning
  • Cloud Transition
  • Digital Workspaces
  • Development
  • Support
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